April Fool's

Posted by klomster | 11:42 PM | , | 1 comments »

Hello everyone. Sorry I was not able to post for almost three weeks because I was really busy with school stuff. Now that the school year has officially ended, I will try to update my blog very often. I am actually planning to have a new blog. It might be this month or next month, so stay tuned. :)

Okay, so April's here, and today is April Fool's day. Time for pranks. I started the day by sending this message to my friends:

" I have good news, guys.

May boyfriend na ko.

At the end of the message, I said "April Fool's". But apparently I was not too convincing. Maybe because it is IMPOSSIBLE for me to have a boyfriend at the moment. LOL.

I thought this day would not be very good but I am so happy that April 1 didn't fool me. Haha. After attending mass, I told my mom that we have an outing in Batangas. At first she doesn't want me to come but thanks to my friends for helping me convince my mom. So there, it made my whole day happy!

Hope you guys are happy too! Enjoy the summer! :)


  1. Reagan D // April 2, 2010 at 8:58 AM  

    naku. dapat yata nagpost ka ng pic with a guy. (GUY ha, hindi GAY) hehe.

    enjoy your vcay!